Our main goal is to instill Jewish pride and joy in the children we teach. We accomplish this through (1) encouraging children to make Jewish friends, (2) learning the rich heritage and fundamentals of Judaism (3) learning to read Hebrew.
We strive to make each week memorable with engaging projects and full of thought provoking material to spark more discussion.
Our two and a half hour program is divided into three, 35-45 minute sections separated by 10-15 minute breaks.
- Story/prayers/Torah facts time
- Lesson of the day and activity
- Hebrew reading-Aleph Champ Curriculum
The main lessons vary from year to year, however for 2-3 weeks before holidays, we focus on the upcoming holiday.
5785 Theme:
For 5785 (2024-2025), we will spend 17 regular weeks focusing on Jewish Heroes and the lessons we can learn from them for our own lives:
- Avraham
- Sarah
- Yitzchak
- Rivka
- Yaakov
- Rochel/Leah
- Yosef
- Levi
- Moshe
- Yisro
- Aaron
- Miriam
- Yehoshua
- Nachshon Ben Aminadav
- Devorah
- Shimshon
- Shmuel
Tuition is $750 for the 2024-25 year (September-June).
A $100 discount per child is available for families on the Chai Club for $36/mo or more.
A $100 discount is given if tuition is paid in full at the beginning of the year.